Saturday, December 9, 2006

How To Survive a Divorce

Ten things to do when you realize divorce is inevitable

1. When the reality of divorce hits you, stop long enough to commit your entire situation to God through prayer, and ask Him to provide you with help, guidance, and emotional support.
2. Call your best friends and ask them for their prayers and emotional support.
3. Stay in touch with your feelings and share them with people you can trust.
4. Don’t spiritualize your situation. You may have to live out a bad decision that someone else has made.
5. Don’t panic! Remember, no matter what happens, God is still in charge.
6. Contact an attorney to find out about your legal grounds.
7. Make a list of all your fears. Then make a list of all your resources.
8. Pull as many members of your family around you as you can. Ask them for their love and support.
9. Attend a Divorce Recovery Workshop and participate in the small group discussions. Read Growing Through Divorce many times.
10. Remember, healing takes time. There is no quick fix for a divorce.
- Jim Smoke, Moving Forward

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